What to do in Rome with bambini? Museo Explora
Explora: Museo dei Bambini di Roma -Rome’s Children Museum
Rome’s only dedicated kids’ museum, Explora is aimed at the under-12s. It’s set up as a miniature town where children can play at being grown-ups and with everything from an ATM, to a supermarket and a fire engine.
Whilst the museum is in Italian for Italians, accommodations are made for English speakers throughout the exhibit spaces. Modelled after the first children’s museum, which was founded in Boston in 1899, the museum’s aim is to expand learning beyond the parameters of the classroom, and to help children understand themselves and society.
In the opening exhibit, which begins with the word “io“, (“I”) children understand how they came to be, from conception through doctor visits and delivery. A second area teaches children about daily necessities like food, water, shelter and transportation. There are areas designed to teach them about the ecosystem and respecting the environment, and about communication and the role of technology. Special arrangements can be made for birthday parties hosted at the museum. We would advise 1 hour 30 minutes for this museum.
Italy’s Best devise tailor made tours and specialise in family friendly, educational itineraries. We would recommend this museum as a possibility when browsing what to see in Rome for bambini.